Biennale Triangle Image


Interstellar is a full evening multimedia dance show based on the eponymous film by director Christopher Nolan from 2014, which tells a story about the near future of our planet Earth, which can no longer meet the needs of humanity because of the destruction of the balance in nature. The play depicts a small group of people traveling into space and entering a wormhole to find a new planet for humans to settle on.

Directed by and artistic direction: Marija Šćekić

Performers and choreographers: Luca Mikulandra, Matilda Klanjčić, Nora Kuvačić, Petra Rajić, Nora Gardijan, Luce Grubelić, Andrea Milikić
Music: Tomislav Gavranović
Video animation: Draško Ivezić
Costume design: Mihaela Gregov
Light: Saša Bogojević, Marija Šćekić

Production: Histeria Nova in collaboration with the Zadar Puppet Theatre

Premiere: November 19, 2020


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Information, applications and enrollments
