MATRIX (2018)
Premiere: January 27th, 2019
Venue: Cultural Center, Đakovo
(MATRIX was also performed at the Karlovac Dance Festival in April 2018, and in Croatian National
Theatre in October 2019 in Zadar.)
Directed by: Marija Šćekić
Matrix is a full evening audio visual dance show, modeled after the eponymous film “Matrix”,
performed by twenty students of the Marija Šćekić’s School of Natural Movement. MATRIX is a "silent
revolution", a way out situation in which the Šibenik children found themselves after completing
their elementary dance school and had no further options to continue with their dance education in
the City of Šibenik.
The play depicts conscious machines (puppets) in the bodies of children who have rebelled against
stereotypes, prejudices and formalities. By gradually discarding their black dark coats, their masks
disappear and the puppets become people with sincere children's hearts, erasing the boundary of the
real and the unreal (in the stage, artistic, creative and human sense of the word).
These are minors who, with their stage maturity, focus and dance performance, do not deviate much
from any other professional ensemble in the country and beyond.
- (Maja Đurinović, in Croatian)
- ŠIBENIK IN (V. B., in Croatian)
- Glas Slavonije (Maja Muškić, in Croatian)
- Glas Slavonije (Maja Muškić, in Croatian)

- Idea and Sinetography ©: Marija Šćekić
(Sinetography is the original movement notation by Marija Scekic, which deals with the choreography of body, sound and light movement) - Assistant Choreographers: Matilda Klanjčić, Nora Kuvačić, Andrea Milikić, Laura Galić
- Dancers: Luca Mikulandra, Matilda Klanjčić, Andrea Milikić, Petra Rajić, Luce Grubelić, Nora Guardian, Martina Slavica, Luciana Živković, Lana Kursar, Emilia Klanjčić, Lara Čičmir, Mirna Gostijanović, Lea Zaninović, Elena Marić, Anamarija Jelačić, Ema Ljubić, Iva Mandić
- Head of Lights: Saša Bogojević, Marija Šćekić
- Sound Editing: Marija Šćekić
- Sound Manager and Computer Sound Processing: Predrag Ćosić
- Costume Design: Mihaela Gregov
- Photography: Denis Stojnić
- Production Assistants: Josipa Lončar, Marija Vuksan
- Organization and Production: Marija Šćekić – Histeria Nova School of Natural Movement, 2018/2019
City of Zagreb "Program Cooperation: Travno Cultural Center", Histeria Nova School of Natural Movement, Digital Media Lab - Zadar, Horizon d.o.o. - Zadar, Blue Dog - Zagreb, Ella Ella Sportswear, Small Hairdresser - Zadar