The course titled “Sound and Silence for the dancer” is a part of the programme of the Marija
Scekic’s School of Natural Movement that promotes the idea of an inseparable connection between the
audio and visual kinetic feature of dance movement and dance art in general.
Marija (the choreographer) and her brother Zoran Scekic (composer, artistic director of Microfest –
the festival of the microtonal music) implemented their music and dance ideas in 2004 in the form of
an integrated workshop called “Meter, Tempo, Rhythm” offered to students of music and dance schools
in Croatia. The course has evolved since then, and now it is taught by Marija Scekic in the form of
an integrated unit.
The programme includes learning and reading of musical notes, single line score reading and moving,
the study of rhythm, melody, tempi, dynamics and harmony physically and mentally.
The programme can also be organised as an individual lesson in accordance with the predefined schedule by both participant and the teacher.
Information, applications and enrollments
For more information about all active programmes in 2020 please visit and/or join our official School of Natural Movement Facebook page.
Download Application Form
1 x weekly for 45 minutes
Monthly fee: 300 Kn