Instructor: Sarah Fuller
Location: Starigrad Paklenica, Paklenica National park
- September 24th 2 – 5 PM (Cyanotype)
Come explore the historical Cyanotype photo process through the lens of local flora and
textures! The focus of this workshop will be to collaborate on creating fabric camouflage
inspired by the Paklenica ecosystem. The collaborative camouflage created during the
workshop will be used in a site-specific vertical dance performance in the Big Canyon in Paklenica
National Park. Cyanotype is a traditional photo process that uses an iron-based photo chemistry and
UV light from the sun to create beautiful blue toned prints. The prints can also be toned to
different shades of yellow, brown and deep purple using natural materials like tea, coffee, local
herbs and plants.
In this two-day workshop, we will cover:
- How to coat fabric with Cyanotype chemistry
- How to expose prints in the sun using local materials such as rocks, leaves and bark as ‘negatives’
- How to tone the final prints with teas, coffee, and herbs.
(CANADA) is a Canadian visual artist and photographer
who makes
work about human intervention in the landscape. Sarah has been an artist in residence at Banff
Centre for Arts and Creativity, Laughing Waters in Nillumbick Shire, Australia, the Klondike
Institute of Art and Culture, Yukon, Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Italy, and the Association of Visual
Artists (SIM), Iceland. She holds a MFA from the University of Ottawa and a BFA from Emily Carr
Recent exhibitions include Terra Incogknita at PLATFORM centre for photographic + digital arts,
Winnipeg, Refugio at the University of Lethbridge Art Gallery and And perhaps in me someone very old
still hears the living sound of wood at the Ottawa Art Gallery. Her video work has been screened at
Art on the Screens (Mississauga 2019) and Photophobia (Hamilton 2019). In 2017 she collaborated
with Moment Factory and the Banff Centre on the site-specific installation Illuminations:
Her work is in public and private collections including the Canada Council for the Arts Art Bank,
the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, the Walter Phillips Gallery and the Department of Foreign