Premiere: May 15th, 2009
Venue: TNT / Center for Culture Trešnjevka, Zagreb
Author: Marija Šćekić
Human Error is a solo performance, a portrait of a human being as the only living being on planet Earth who is constantly on the lookout for the true that is ultimately unreachable to him. The neurological sites in the body in charge of reasoning are the same as those in emotions and survival. If the philosopher Rene Descartes radically stated "I think therefore I am," and for several centuries afterwards the neurologist Antonio Damasio rebuked the title "Descartes' mistake" by claiming that reason was really just an emotion that evolved, Scekic presented "Human Error" with her own Body as Thought. Is mind or reason equally functional without sensations, emotions and feelings as distinctly physical phenomena? And this is human error, the idea of the eternal polemic of Mind and Heart, the relativity of human knowledge, the human tendency to make mistakes and learn from them, and the constant pursuit of truth and perfection.
The particularity of the show is in the choreography whose central motif is the long spin of the dancer in a place that evokes truth, love, eternity and symbolically depicts the dervish, the circle as the infatuation of religious dances. The choreography was created in close collaboration with radiologist Milan Radoš from the Croatian Institute for Brain Research in Zagreb (Neuron Clinic) and the company Byte Lab IT Embedded Intelligence from Zagreb, who created a system of wireless motion capture sensors sewn into a dancer's costume for the purposes of the dance.
- BODY PIXEL (Interview with Marija Scekic, in English)
- ByteLab (Human Error, in English)
- (Human Error Marije Šćekić, in Croatian)
- HRT Radio Zadar ("Human Error" Marije Šćekić kao težnja prema istini i savršenstvu, in Croatian)
- Idea and Sinetography ©: Marija Šćekić
(Sinetography is the original movement notation by Marija Šćekić, which deals with the choreography of body, sound and light movement) - 3D Animation / Interactive video: Jerome Delapierre, Draško Ivezić
- Music: Kristijan Funarić, Ranko Šajfar
- Interactive sound: Timothy Sutton
- Motion capture: Danijel Babić
- Photography: Marko Dimić, Nina Đurđević, Sandra Vitaljić
- Costume Design: Mihaela Županić
- Expert Collaborators:
dr Milan Radoš, PhD – radiology (fMRI)
Dušan Maksimovski – theology (pneumatology)
Zdravko Radman – philosophy (physical vs. cognitive)
Čejen Černić – video editing - Organized and produced by: Marija Šćekić – Histeria NOVA
The City of Zagreb, The Ministry of culture of the Republic of Croatia, The Ministry of Labor and Entrepreneurship, Kranjcar Gallery, Plančić Vineyard, The Centre of Culture Trešnjevka